
Zoho Show provides the ability for students to create slideshow presentations for free. The ability to access Zoho Show on any computer with an Internet connection makes it extremely reliable for students without Microsoft Powerpoint or other expensive presentation software.  Educators can incorporate Zoho Show into their lesson plans.  To help with learning and communication, Zoho Show supports the ability to chat while giving presentations in real time online. Zoho show allows teachers to store presentations online, enabling students 24/7 access to review, print, or study them from home. Students can store their own creations online as well, and them work on them at home. This can be very helpful when a teacher is absent or school is cancelled because it allows for contact with students. Zoho Show also enables teachers from different classes, different schools, or even different countries to collaborate on projects.

Cultural, Ethical, and Societal Issues

Zoho Show 2.0 supports 12 different languages; Chinese (Simplified), Danish, Dutch, English (US), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, and Swedish, and can be accessed by different users in different countries simultaneously, making it much easier for international communication and cooperation between users.

Although Zoho Show is free to use, one must create a Zoho user account in order to use it, and because Zoho users have access to all publically posted presentations, students could possibly gain access to undesirable content.

Since Zoho Show can only be used if a computer and internet connection is available, this may be a challenge for those who don't have equal access.

Integrating Zoho Show into the Classroom

There are so many ways that Zoho Show can be used in the classroom by both teachers and students. The examples that follow only scratch the surface of possibilities. Whatever the scenario may be, Zoho Show extends the classroom beyond classroom hours by allowing teachers to share their creations or their students' creations via a class wiki or web site, making learning resourses even more available.

  • Teachers can support classroom lectures using presentations that emphasize main points that are enhanced with graphics, animation, or sound.

  • Teacher created presentations can be used over and over again, saving them the time of repeatedly handing out instructional material, writing on blackboard, repeated speech and so on.

  • Teachers can create presentations using Zoho Show that can be played at open houses or parent events. These types of presentation slideshows can be created to exhibit student work or to remind parents of important information.

  • Teachers can create flashcards for just about any subject using Zoho Show and then share them on the class wiki so that they are assessible from home.

  • Teachers can also create presentation slide shows to aid in teaching vocabulary words, as well as the spelling of them. Each slide in the show could include a word, its definition, an image, and even a sound for the particular word to help the student remember it. These types of learning slides can also be used as flashcards.

  • Teachers can create presentations for science to explain how a particular process works, such as the water cycle. Students could create presentations to show their knowledge of how a particular process works.

  • Teachers can have students create field trip slideshow explaining what they have learned on a recent field trip.

  • Teachers could even have students create their own individual autobiography story using Zoho Show, allowing them to incorporate pictures, video, graphics, and audio.

  • Teachers can have students use Zoho Show to create interactive book reports.

  • Because Zoho Show is an online application that allows live chat, teachers and students can collaborate on presentations in real time and outside the classroom.

  • Using Zoho Show, students can practice giving presentations online before presenting to a live audience.

  • Students can work on presentations at school and then finish them at home without having to carry a flash drive.

  • Students can also share presentations with group members for editin or give remote presentations to family members or students in other countries (Zoho Show supports many different languages) or other schools.

Assessing Zoho Show

While there may be different criteria involved for assessing technology tools based on subjects (reading, science, etc.) There are some basic criteria that can be used to assess the usefulnes of a technology tool in general. I found some very useful information on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Website, which includes a checklist of Recommended Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Technology Materials.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Education's criteria checklist, "To make successful decisions about what to purchase, districts are encouraged to involve in the selection process those who will be using the products. This includes teachers, students, parents, heads of the curriculum development, technology, and business departments, and others. By doing so, districts can ensure that the materials meet educational needs while also fitting within the local budget and infrastructure." (Recommended Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Technology Materials)

Since Zoho Show is free to use, another way of evaluating its usefulness would be to try it out. Teachers can create a basic project to be completed by students using Zoho Show, and then grading each project based on criteria listed in a rubic. Teachers can also survey students on ease of use.

Curriculum Standards Supported by Zoho Show

Zoho Show supports the following ISTE National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for students.

1. Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

2. Communication and Collaboration

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

3. Research and Information Fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions

5. Digital Citizenship

Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:
a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
  Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:
a. understand and use technology systems.

Types of Learning Supported by Zoho Show

Zoho Show supports many types of learning which include communication which enables students to work collaborativly on presentation projects, either synchronously or asyncronously via the Internet, critical thinking and problem solving in terms of planning and managing projects, as well as, making informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources, creativity and production by enabling students to create original works as a means of personal or group expression and by incorporating knowledge learned about a topic into a final presentation project, and eLearning by enabling digital collaboration among students.

Modifications for Those with Disabilities

Zoho Show includes features that can assist those with eyesight disabilities, such as the ability to zoom, add audio, integrate chat, and automatic play. Those using Zoho Show to create a presentation who have problems seeing small objects can use the zoom feature to see objects up close without having to adjust the display properties on the computer being used to access the application. Also, adding audio, as well as text narration, enables those who cannot see well to hear the narration instead of reading it. Zoho Show is also easily integrated with Zoho Chat which enables users to present their presentations remotely and in real time.

Another feature I feel that is important is that Zoho Show, as well as all Zoho Applications, are accessible from mobile phones. Also, Zoho's applications support many different languages.

According to Web2Access, "The edit mode is very similar to PowerPoint but sadly not all aspects are keyboard accessible - so you can reach the shapes but not drag them to the edit area without the use of the mouse. Notes can be added for each slide in text readable format. Links in the edit mode are all in javascript and not accessible to a screen reader. However, the player on the main site is keyboard accessible and if the publisher has added notes or a transcript this can be read. Text is small but with good contrast and zooms well on the main site but not so easy on the editor." (Web2Access) This report also includes average scores on individual disability tests pertaining to Zoho Show. However, one must keep in mind while reviewing these scores that this report was last updated on August 24, 2009. Click the link below to view this particular report in its entirety.

Web2Access Accessissibility Test Results for Zoho Show

Lesson Plan Analysis

The following lesson plan is one I found on the Web 2.0 Tools - New Possibilities for Teaching and Learning list of Purdue University's wiki for sharing information and resources.


Civil Rights Movement Research
Target Audience:
College Level United States History Class
During the civil rights movement section of a US History class, students will split into groups and choose a particular event that interests them.  They will then work together to research that event in depth and present their information to the class.
Students will expand upon their in-class learning by going outside of class to research an event that is interesting to them.  They will then be able to organize that information in an interesting way to share with the rest of the class.
Lesson Plan:
Word   PDF



The Lesson Indicators Comments
Works toward appropriate goals.
  • Content and technology standards are mentioned.
  • Standards are for the correct grade level and content area.
  • Objectives are aligned with standards.
  • Tasks focus clearly on obtaining the objectives.
Content for technology standards USH.9 are mentioned and are correct for the grade level. The objectives are aligned with the standards and the task procedures focus on obtaining them. Technology standards are not mentioned. However, I assume they are not mentioned because this lesson plan is geared towards college-level students. USH.9 (United States Era 9) standards can be reviewed by visiting the UCLA National Center for History in the Schools Website.
Requires the use of higher-order thinking skills and “new” literacies.
  • Students are asked to do more than memorize or understand (e.g., summarize, synthesize, predict, etc.).
  • Media, visual, communicative, technological, mathematical, and/ or other nontraditional literacies are addressed.
Students are required to summarize a particular event using information found in provided books, libraries, and/or Internet resources to incorporate important information pertaining to people, dates, and places, as well as, visual images.
Integrates the learning goals.
  • Communication
  • Production
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Content
  • Problem solving
  • Inquiry/research

This lesson plan supports researching a particular event and then creating a visually informative final product through problem solving, in which the content communicates the factual information found.

Includes a variety of resources.
  • Students have choices of materials at different levels.
  • Materials are available in a variety of modes (e.g., graphics, sound, text, video) and media (e.g., books, films, photos, computer).
This lesson plan does include a variety of resources. While some books are provided, the ability to use a library and especially the Internet, will provide students with materials available in all types of modes. This lesson plan does not include a list of Internet or library resources available. Students are required to find them on their own through research. This encourages problem solving.
Engages all students actively in authentic tasks.
  • Students have roles/tasks to perform throughout the lesson.
  • Connections are made between the task and real life.
  • Students must actively search for answers to essential questions.
This lesson plan requires students to be separated into groups and each group reports on a particular event. Roles are not assigned, but each member of a group is required to contribute a fair share of the work. Essential questions to answer are not listed. However, facts that are to be stressed withing the content of the final project are.
Uses technology effectively, efficiently, and as a learning tool.
  • The technology makes the task more authentic.
  • The technology makes the task easier to accomplish.
  • The technology helps students complete the task faster than without it.
  • The technology is secondary to the content and goals.
Using Zoho Show makes the final product more authentic, easier to accomplish, and faster to finish than without it. Reason being, each group is allotted two weeks to complete the entire project. The final project must me assessible to all students within the class to use as a study source. Because the final project will be digitally created, it will be easily accesed by others. Also, it is much easier and faster, for example, to insert a visual into a digital presentation rather than to print one for a one time presentation where the group addresses the class within the classroom. The content and goals of learning about important historical events is first and foremost. The technology used to create a final project is secondary and only provided to make the final project more professional, visually appealing, and easily assessible by others in the class and group.
Addresses the needs of a variety of students, including ELLs and students with physical and other challenges.
  • All students can access task instructions.
  • All students can access task materials and resources.
  • Students have different ways to accomplish the same objectives.
While the lesson plan can be printed and passed out to all students, groups are required to use time outside of class to research. Because students are required to work in groups, there will be times when members will have to meet. By using Zoho show to create the final project, members of each group can collaborate and/or work on their projects via the Internet syncronously or asyncronously. The ability to access task materials and resources depends on a computer and Internet connection. Since this project is for college students, I would assume that if a computer and Internet connection is not available at home, a computer lab within the college is, as well as, support for students with physical and other challenges that Zoho Show itself may not provide.
Includes appropriate assessments.
  • Assessment is aligned to the standards and objectives.
  • Assessments are fair for all students and not based on one ability (e.g., writing).
  • Assessments allow students to show what they know/can do rather than what they cannot.
Assessment of the final project includes a quiz that shows what each student in the group learned from creating it. Also, each group will give their presentations to all students in the class and each student will be given a quiz afterwards to show what they each have learned by viewing the presentation. Therefore, the assessment is aligned to the standards and objectives and is fair to all students.

Plan B

Because Zoho Show is accessible via the Internet and a browser, the need to install a desktop application to use it is not necessary. This ensures that the user does not have to install upgrades to an application to keep current. The application provider (Zoho) will do this automatically since the application is running on its server. However, to make sure Zoho Show will run in a particular browser, each user of it should make sure that the browser he or she is using is up-to-date. This will ensure that any updates applied to Zoho Show will work. The only other problem I see that could arise is a lost internet connection or lack of a computer. These types of problems would have to be addressed depending on the individual or institutaional situation at hand. For example, if a student was required to access a real time presentation given remotely by the instructor at a scheduled time outside of the classroom (at home) and the student does not have a computer, mobile phone, or Internet access, he or she would have to plan other means of access, such as visiting the local library or computer lab.