ePortfolio Master Template: ITEC 57430

Student's Name
Graduate Major

ePortfolio Reflection

"Reflection is often referred to as the act which causes metacognition to become tangible and therefore understood. Reflection on one's work and on one's processes and ideas enables learners to become aware of their mental models and ways of doing. This awareness is important as it allows for change and growth to occur. In school, students can reflect on individual assignments or projects, but may also be required to reflect on their progress overall. This is the reflection often talked about in the portfolio process, the reflection on learning that takes place over time, usually one school term." (Portfolio Process)


For this page, "students are required to write a summative reflection on the work they choose for inclusion in their graduation portfolios. This reflection should include a description of how the work demonstrates the required proficiencies, how the work connects to their academic and career goals, and how the work represents them as a learner and as a person. Students will have practiced writing reflections since it is required that they write a short reflective piece for required or major entries. These short reflections will provide them with information and material to use in their summative reflection." (RI Diploma System)


Evaluation Rubric



Portfolio Process: Reflection. Retrieved Apr. 11, 2012, from Web site: http://www.learnquebec.ca/en/content/pedagogy/portfolio/reflect/

RI Diploma System: Portfolio Toolkit Step 11 Action 2. Retrieved Apr. 11, 2012, from Web site: http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/dslat/portfolio/poract_1102.shtml