ePortfolio Student Sample: ITEC 57430

Amy E. Hissom
Instructional Technology


Hello! My name is Amy Hissom and you have just made your way to my online portfolio where you'll find a compilation of information and projects regarding my skills and accomplishments.

The projects I completed for graduate school, which I feel are my best, can be found on my "Graduate Artifacts" page. I have also included projects I have completed outside of graduate school, which can be found on my "Outside Artifacts" page.

About Me

After starting my adult life at the very young age of 16, I would have to say that the greatest accomplishment I have fulfilled was raising my five wonderful children. I have been blessed to have had four sons, three of which joined the USMC, and one daughter, as well as three grand-daughters and one grandson. I was married while still in high school and had my first son just two weeks before my senior year started. Although it was hard, I completed my senior year on time with the rest of my class and graduated at the age of 17 in the year 1985. By age 24, I was a divorced, full-time mother of five, working a full-time job, and trying to attend college full-time. After a year and a half of this lifestyle, I decided to put college on hold to work and raise my children. Throughout the years, I held numerous dead-end jobs, living from paycheck to paycheck, and still managed to get us through. Once my children were grown, I decided to make them as proud of me as I am of them.

I have always had a desire to learn about computers and their applications. Throughout the years, I learned a lot of the technology associated with computers on my own, but knew that the only way I could learn even more was to attend college. Finally, in the spring of 2005, I enrolled myself in Kent State University's East Liverpool Campus. After years of hard work and dedication, I am happy to say that I have obtained my Associate's Degree in Computer Technology with distinction, my Bachelors of Science in Computer Technology, and I am currently working on my Master's Degree in Instructional Technology. I have made the Dean's list numerous times and have won the Home Savings & Loan Company Scholarship two separate times.

My career goal is to obtain the knowledge needed to become a highly qualified individual of computer technology and technology education. My professional long-term goal is to use what I have learned and will learn to become an instructor in these particular areas. Obtaining my Master's degree will help me to achieve these goals by giving me the continued education to do so. After receiving my Master's degree, I may decide to continue on to obtain a PhD in Instrustional Technology as well.

In my spare time, I like to spend time with my family and friends, walk in the park, crochet, and play my guitar. Additional information about me can be viewed by visiting my Career-Pursuit Information page.


My Favorite Quote

"Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass!"

-Paul J. Meyer