Teacher Page
This is a great introduction to issues related to the Internet, a world in which students are immersed on a daily, hourly, and minutely basis.
Additional Resources for Teachers
Pew Internet & American Life Research on Digital Footprints - In addition to providing national telephone survey data, this report includes quotes from online survey respondents as well as experts in the fields of privacy, online identity management and search.
ASCD Publication - Footprints in the Digital Age - ASCD is a global community dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching, and leading. ASCD’s innovative solutions promote the success of each child.
Digital Footprints: What Educators Need to Know - "David Jakes has spent 27 years in education as a teacher, staff developer, and technology coordinator. From his first Macintosh Classic to his current iPad and Chromebook, he has witnessed firsthand the changes in education that educational technology has empowered. Jakes shares this knowledge as a frequent speaker at technology conferences across the United States, and has spoken in Canada, Europe, and China." (Google in Education Summits 2013-2014 Tour)
Commonsense Media - The nation's leading independent nonprofit advocating for kids. Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.
My Digital Footprint - A free online book. A two-sided digital business model where your privacy will be someone else's business!